How to wear a Sporty Officewear: JCPenny, USA

When it's real. It's effortless . Perfection is feeling and looking good Without having to try To be someone else. ...

When it's real.

It's effortless.

Perfection is feeling and looking good

Without having to try

To be someone else.

There are weekdays, and then there's Friday. Friday is usually a day, to wear casual in office. And most often we wear a jeans and a tee or a knee length dress. But I thought why not pep it up, why wear the same boring, all the time. It was also a little cold after all.

So wearing it up with a light jacket, and sporty ballerinas with the plain and simple and the popular color Black.

I also wore these jhumkas or earrings in my ears, to add in to the overall look. How do you find it?

Jacket: JCPenny($11 on sale)
Skirt: Code Lifestyle 
Ballerinas:Decathlon(Rs 699)

Place in All above Pictures:Milwaukee,America

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